Friday, April 25, 2014


Brazil is an extremely beautiful country in South America. No matter which city you choose to visit, you will have a great experience. I have first hand experience on taking vacations to Brazil because all of my relatives live there and my parents were born there. I usually go to Sao Paulo, Brazil every two or three years. Some things that I find extremely entertaining to do when i go to Sao Paulo are too shop! The malls in this city are extremely large with many different things to buy than the American malls offer. Although these things are amazing, they are often very expensive which is upsetting.

 Something else my cousins and I enjoy doing that i recommend to anyone visiting Sao Paulo is to go out to the clubs. Clubs in this city are very different from clubs in America. In American clubs most people want to get intoxicated and party all night but Brazilian clubs are different. In these clubs you do indeed go out in the late hours of the night, but when you get to these parties at the clubs there is food, interesting music, many people to socialize with, and many things to do.

Another place that is interesting in Brazil is a city called Riviera De Sao Lourenco. My uncle has a condo in this beach city so we always go and  spend a couple days on the beach. Brazilian beaches are also different than American beaches, and in my opinion, they are much more fun! Brazilian beaches have small stands all down the beach of people selling coconut drinks, corn on the cob, jewelry, body products,clothes, and almost anything else you can think of. Something interesting about sitting outside on the beach all day is that you don't realize how much the sun is affecting you. The clouds usually cover the sun so it's not as obvious when you are getting sunburn, so you have to be careful.

I look forward to the next time I take a trip to Brazil because I enjoy seeing my family and having a great time. Brazil is a fantastic place to visit for anyone interested in different cultures and having a great time.

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